Examining the moral basis of Pope Francis’ pleas for financial regulation – and the morality of ‘speculation’

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How global leaders used COVID-19 to restrict religious liberty

COVID-19 has posed unique challenges to religious liberty across the United States, spurring politicians to impose public health measures that restricted in-person worship services. Globally, the situation has often been much worse, with many governments using the pandemic as an excuse for targeted persecution through a mix of misinformation and coercive action. Continue Reading...

A silver lining in the Golden State’s school shutdowns

What happens in California doesn’t tend to stay in California – and that’s usually bad for America. For instance, “55% of all public school students, including those in charter schools, were at home, in distance learning, as of April 30, according to an EdSource analysis of new data released by the state.” Continue Reading...

Efficiently combating poverty

This essay won firstplace in the essay contest of the Acton Institute’s 2020 Poverty Cure Summit, which took place on Nov. 18-19, 2020. This essay is presented as it was submitted. Continue Reading...

John Paul II on work, socialism, and liberalism

This year marks the 30th anniversary of John Paul II’s important encyclical, Centesimus Annus. While the average lay person might not pay attention to formal pronouncements by the Roman Catholic Church, papal encyclicals are significant in their affirmation of the church’s social doctrine. Continue Reading...

Goodbye to the Acton Institute

As a member of the clergy with multiple secular jobs, things are always hectic. I’ve decided I must step away from my work with the Acton Institute beginning the first week of May and, I’m sad to say, this marks my final new blog for the Acton Institute. Continue Reading...

The 3 things you need to make ‘socialism’ work

Occasionally, our antagonists think they have discovered the silver bullet argument in favor of “Christian socialism.” One such apology recently came into my inbox. In its entirety, it read: Acts Chapters 4 and 5 Tell of The Holy Spirits Work with The Apostles to Establish SOCIALISM for The Christian Church…What further proof is needed ??? Continue Reading...