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Rising to the challenges of ‘so-so automation’

Fears about job loss and human obsolescence continue to consume the cultural imagination, compounded by ongoing strides in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The job-killing robots are almost at the door, we are told, mere moments away from replacing the last traces of human inefficiency and heralding the dawn of a world without work. Continue Reading...

Books offer stability, renewal of American ideals

Long after we’ve all passed on, how will future generations remember us? One answer: books. Certainly there will be landmarks and buildings and other memorabilia that help our descendants understand our society as it exists today, along with the people who helped shape it. Continue Reading...

Hong Kong government petitions to dissolve Next Digital Media Group

On Sept. 29, the Hong Kong government, led by financial secretary Paul Chan Mo-po, petitioned the court of First Instance to push for the folding of Next Digital Media Group. Although the power to liquidate the 40-year-old firm is already granted by the Companies Ordinance, Chan argued that shutting the doors of the media company is also in the public’s interest. Continue Reading...

Free trade with China is still good for us all

Doug Irwin in his seminal book Free Trade Under Fire points out that Democrats and Republicans have historically vacillated on free trade. The Democratic Party of the late 19th century up until World War II was the party of trade liberalization when Republicans consistently voted for high tariffs. Continue Reading...