Trey Dimsdale

Trey Dimsdale serves as counsel for First Liberty Institute (FLI) and executive director of the Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy, an FLI initiative focused on education and cultural advocacy for freedom.

Posts by Trey Dimsdale

Shepherds on the Titanic

In the introduction to Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis uses the image of a hall leading to various rooms to explain the relationship of the various Christian communions and traditions with one another and with the fundamental and indispensable commitments that define the contours of Christianity. Continue Reading...

Randy E. Barnett: A Principled Commitment to the Truth

The term “Greenhouse effect” is primarily used by the environmentalist movement as an explanation for global warming, but in 1992 Judge Laurence Silberman appropriated the term and in a clever play on words linked it to Linda Greenhouse, the Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter who covered the Supreme Court at the New York Times for more than 40 years. Continue Reading...

European Discontent: Immigration and National Identity

Recently, I toured a notable American cathedral that, as a parish, had been founded by pre–Revolutionary War French immigrants. When our group came to a panel that included images of four martyrs who had evangelized different European peoples, our docent told us the story of St. Continue Reading...

Is It Now Illegal to Be Homeless?

According to several headlines, the Supreme Court has “criminalized homelessness” in a decision handed down in the last days of the Spring 2024 term. Others go even further. Not only has homelessness been criminalized, but poverty, too, apparently. Continue Reading...

Liz Truss: A Short but Vital Tenure

Liz Truss’ tenure as the United Kingdom’s prime minister will almost certainly be reduced to two footnotes. First, she was invited to form a government by Queen Elizabeth II during Her Late Majesty’s last public engagement. Continue Reading...

Bare Ruined Choir Schools

My news feed early last month included updates on an ongoing drama involving two animals, both from endangered species. Zookeepers in Fort Worth and in Cleveland breathed a sigh of relief when Jameela, a western lowland gorilla born at the Fort Worth Zoo that had been abandoned by her mother, was accepted by Freddy, a Cleveland gorilla who has successfully fostered orphaned and abandoned gorillas before. Continue Reading...