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New resources to understand ‘Nordic socialism’

Up to 20 forms of life are likely to survive a nuclear war: strains of bacteria, certain insects, and the myth of Nordic socialism. Despite those nations’ most dogged attempts to educate North Americans that they are not socialist, the idea that they present a model of “successful socialism” persists. Continue Reading...

Bernie Sanders cares more about unions than he does his own workers

Who would have predicted that the hottest labor dispute of the summer would be between the workers and management of Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign? Sanders is a long-time champion of raising the federal minimum to $15 an hour, so his campaign workers assumed they’d earn that level of pay too: Campaign field hires have demanded an annual salary they say would be equivalent to a $15-an-hour wage, which Sanders for years has said should be the federal minimum. Continue Reading...

Christianity in Iraq: The brutal truth

When it comes to understanding the present plight of Middle-Eastern Christianity, one author to whom I usually turn is Father Benedict Kiely. He’s the founder of, which tries to help persecuted Christians in the Middle East. Continue Reading...

Minority views? Priceless

There’s something in our DNA to feel threatened by ideas that challenge our own. History is haunted by tragic examples of the suppression of minority views, whether it be Athens killing Socrates (399 BC), the Roman Inquisition’s placing Galileo under house arrest for advocating heliocentrism (1632), Nazi book burning (1933), or the persecution of many thousands of academics during the Cultural Revolution (1966). Continue Reading...