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Why do we embrace ‘cancel culture’?

Online disagreements, and even unintended slips, can end a person’s career. One stray word is all it takes to turn a hero into a pariah. What lies behind the hair-trigger we have placed on the reflex to “cancel” others? Continue Reading...

Herman Cain, RIP

Herman Cain, the 2012 Republican presidential hopeful and former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, passed away early Thursday morning at the age of 74. During his meteoric rise from poverty to the heights of the business world, Cain shared his faith in Christ, free markets, and the American dream. Continue Reading...

Toppling statues tears at the 3 pillars of the West

Were he alive today, what would C.S. Lewis say about the ongoing, violent riots and church desecration being led by “trained Marxists”? As it turns out, we know. The answer lies in a letter that Lewis wrote about UK social protests 80 years ago, which reads as though it were a news dispatch from Portland’s federal courthouse. Continue Reading...