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A free-market ‘green revolution’

Mankind has an unquestionable obligation to protect the environment. As Pope Benedict XVI explained in the encyclical Caritas in Veritate, “the environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations, and towards humanity as a whole.” Continue Reading...

Entertainment as leisure

Americans on average spend 470 minutes, or 7.83 hours, a day with digital media. For example, people watched “The Office” for over 57 billion minutes in 2020, and another favorite, “Grey’s Anatomy” held viewership for over 39 billion minutes in 2020. Continue Reading...

How the Bible encourages business

When was the last time you heard a Christian talk about how godly and pious it is to earn money? I can’t remember ever hearing that in church. Christians don’t like to talk about accumulating wealth, but they do like to talk about giving money to the poor and the needy. Continue Reading...

The joy of fatherhood: How sacrifice brings meaning to life

American society has increasingly prioritized self-fulfillment and personal choice above all else, leading to a gradual devaluing of the family. Birth rates are in rapid decline across the Western world, and given the common cultural attitudes about children and child-rearing, they show few signs of slowing. Continue Reading...

The moral deficit of inflationary spending

Spending! Relief! Infrastructure Investment! Build Back Better! These are words and sayings that have been bandied about throughout the past year. Anyone with a basic interest in the news cycle is bound to have heard that the federal government has proposed plans to spend trillions of dollars. Continue Reading...

Tobit’s biblical theology of work

Tobit is one of the lesser-known books of the Bible, in no small part because Protestant Bibles since the 19th century commonly omit it. But any Christian, Protestant or otherwise, would benefit from Tobit’s biblical theology of work. Continue Reading...

The necessity of boring politics

Movie audiences experience high emotional engagement when they identify personally with the characters. The same is true in modern American politics, which increasingly have become treated as a source of social identity and entertainment. Continue Reading...