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Making community college free has hidden costs

Education is the great equalizer. And a college education is one of the greatest ways to sharpen our unique gifts and talents before entering the workforce. President Joe Biden has proposed offering two years of free community college for any American, but here’s the problem: Making community college “free” guarantees more associates degrees — but it almost certainly won’t translate to a more equitable, high-achieving society. Continue Reading...

New issue of the Journal of Markets & Morality explores ‘a world of change’

The newest issue of the Journal of Markets & Morality (Volume 24, Number 1) has been released in print and online at our website. In my editorial for the issue, I offer a preview of its contents: To use popular terminology, through reflecting on the “known unknown”—the hour of our deaths, the return of Jesus Christ—we fortify ourselves for the “unknown unknowns” of our ever-changing world. Continue Reading...

Healing the broken spirit of California

It’s been barely a month since California reopened, and some counties are already beginning to reinstate mask mandates, even for fully vaccinated residents. This is but the latest pivot in California’s ongoing response to the pandemic, marked by constant bureaucratic whiplash and a flood of social, economic, and political crises. Continue Reading...

America suffers from economic nationalism

One of the biggest political upheavals in America over recent years has been a resurgence in economic nationalism. Given the amount of regulation with which it is burdened, America’s economy can hardly be described as laissez-faire. Continue Reading...