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Father Sirico Closes Acton University 2007

Acton University 2007 came to a close this evening with another stirring address by Rev. Robert Sirico which capped a great week in Grand Rapids for all involved. It’s getting late and I can’t hope to top what Father Robert had to say this evening, so I’ll refer all of you to the audio link below. Continue Reading...

Acton University – Day 3 Audio Roundup

Today’s lectures from Acton University 2007 (updated as more audio becomes available): Natural Law and Protestant Public Theology: Dr. Stephen Grabill Enemies of the Inner City: John Nunes Moral Objections to the Free Market: John Schneider Private Property: Moral and Economic Foundations: Michael Miller The Bad News about the Prosperity Gospel: Rev. Continue Reading...

Faith and Business

That religion can be big business is not news to anyone. But this Zenit analysis by Fr. John Flynn is an especially good synopsis of the current state and size of the “Christianity market” in the United States. Continue Reading...

Too Good To Pass Up

Sometimes you come across a story that’s so powerful that it DEMANDS to be posted. This is one such story: “Usually, if a turd gets into the Senate, it’s because he or she was elected,” Emily Heil reports for Roll Call. Continue Reading...

Acton University – Day 2 Audio Roundup

Today’s lectures from Acton University 2007 (updated as more audio becomes available): Protestantism and Natural Law: Dr. Stephen Grabill Theology and History of Globalization: Dr. Samuel Gregg The Catholic Social Encyclical Tradition: Kishore Jayalaban Knowing Good Works: Guidelines for Effective Compassion: Dr. Continue Reading...

Integrity, Virtue and Vision in the World of Business

Acton PowerBlogger John H. Armstrong is with us this week in Grand Rapids for Acton University. He is founder and director of ACT 3, a ministry aimed at “encouraging the church, through its leadership, to pursue doctrinal and ethical reformation and to foster spiritual awakening.” Continue Reading...

A Firsthand Taste of Maggot-Free Capitalism

Kris Mauren (far right) and African guests get ready to visit GFS. Acton University is now well underway, and on Wednesday a group of seven African attendees joined Kris Mauren on a visit to Gordon Food Service’s Grand Rapids headquarters for an up-close look at ethical capitalism. Continue Reading...

Acton University – Day 1 Audio Roundup

A sampling of today’s lectures at Acton University – Bumped – additional lectures added: Market Economics and the Family: Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse Lord Acton’s Histories of Liberty: Father Peter Laird Economic Thought Before the Enlightenment: Michael Miller The New Deal and the Great Society: Moral and Economic Failure: Anthony Bradley Technology, Culture, and the Market: Dr. Continue Reading...

Partnering in a Global Context

Last Friday evening, Rev. Setri Nyomi, general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), gave a joint plenary address to the Assembly of World-Wide Partners and to the CRC Multiethnic Conference. Continue Reading...