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You’ve Heard It Before…

You’ve heard it from us before: Good intentions are not enough. Now hear it from a piece in the Columbia Journalism Review, “The Obscured Continent,” which takes a look at the special issue of Vanity Fair devoted to Africa (HT: Poynter Online). Continue Reading...

Americans Giving at Record Numbers

Charitable giving in America has risen for the third consecutive year. The picture behind this recent report is rather interesting. Due to the absence of natural disasters, both nationally and internationally, large giving to major relief projects declined. Continue Reading...

The Cause and Cure of Poverty

What causes poverty? The question presently plagues many serious Christian thinkers and leaders. The answers vary but the proposed solutions are the stuff of our political campaigns every four years. We can already hear the discussion from the various candidates for the presidency in 2008, both Republican and Democrat. Continue Reading...

Mohler on Making Manimals

Albert Mohler weighs in on the chimera phenomenon, “The Chimeras Are Coming.” He links to a WaPo article from yesterday, “Making Manimals,” by William Saletan. Saletan, a writer for, concludes with this advice: “If you want permanent restrictions, your best bet is the senator who tried to impose them two years ago. Continue Reading...

A New Poverty Poll from Barna

There’s lots to digest and consider in a new Barna report on poverty: A new national survey by The Barna Group regarding people’s perspectives on poverty shows that Americans are quite concerned about what they perceive to be a significant and growing challenge facing the nation. Continue Reading...

The Abject Failure of the U.N.

The idealism and the goals of the United Nations are laudable. The results, at least in recent years, have often been nothing short of a disaster. One example will suffice—the recently created U.N.’s Continue Reading...