Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'transatlantic'

Should Notre Dame be rebuilt to reflect secularism?

The flames that consumed the spire of Notre Dame and burned the 856-year-old church to its foundations could have been doused by the tears of the faithful. If France heeds calls to rebuild the cathedral as a reflection of what modern “French people want,” the new structure may be flooded by their tears. Continue Reading...

Study: Socialism turns people into liars

Socialism’s appeal is largely moral, not economic – not just because it doesn’t work economically, but because few people find economics compelling. Among their exaggerated claims, socialists argue that redistribution of wealth will create more moral people, not merely better living conditions. Continue Reading...

The reason women don’t enter STEM professions revealed

Conventional wisdom believes three things: Women are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); this is largely due to sexual discrimination; and the government must redress this imbalance. But multiple studies have discovered a much different reason behind the STEM gender gap. Continue Reading...

The downside of paid family leave: Denmark

As Republicans unveil plans for compulsory paid family leave, they would be well instructed to see how such policies have hurt women’s employment prospects. In Europe, where paid leave is often compulsory, women face fewer prospects for advancement than in the United States. Continue Reading...

All homeschoolers may have to register with the government

The Department of Education has proposed new guidelines that all homeschool parents must register with the government. Officials say the registry, which comes as a booming number of children are being educated at home, would be used for government officials to check up on students and assure the pupils are receiving the government’s definition of a quality education. Continue Reading...