Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'socialism'

David Bentley Hart’s sophomoric defense of socialism

“Whatever you think of the socialism discussion,” says economist Tyler Cowen, “should a Christian have and indeed display so much contempt for other human beings?” Cowen is referring, of course, to the latest sneering diatribe in the New York Times by theologian David Bentley Hart. Continue Reading...

Study: Socialism turns people into liars

Socialism’s appeal is largely moral, not economic – not just because it doesn’t work economically, but because few people find economics compelling. Among their exaggerated claims, socialists argue that redistribution of wealth will create more moral people, not merely better living conditions. Continue Reading...

Don’t write off young ‘socialists’

In his State of the Union address this year, president Trump warned of the dangers of socialism. But is there any substance to that worry? Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a self-declared socialist, has made headlines with her Green New Deal proposal. Continue Reading...

Alejandro Chafuen in Forbes: Justice after liberation in Venezuela

This past weekend in Forbes, Alejandro Chafuen, Acton’s Managing Director, International, offered some perspectives on the current situation in Venezuela. Basing his analysis on traditional principles of justice, he outlines some important points to keep in mind in any project of transitioning from socialism to a more just political and economic model. Continue Reading...

Brexit and demophobia

Last night, the UK Parliament rejected Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposal towards an agreed exit from the European Union that would keep North Ireland part of the EU. And here we go again. Continue Reading...
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