Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'socialism'

Why looting is the worst kind of theft

The Mongol ruler Genghis Khan once asked his generals, “What is the greatest happiness in life?” When they answered that it was going hunting on a spring day while riding a beautiful horse, Genghis said they were wrong. Continue Reading...

Thanos the revolutionary

After the second weekend of release, the directors of Avengers: Endgame have declared that spoilers are fair game, and so it is time to pick up where some previous reflections left off and explore the villain Thanos’ development from Infinity War to Endgame. Continue Reading...

David Bentley Hart’s sophomoric defense of socialism

“Whatever you think of the socialism discussion,” says economist Tyler Cowen, “should a Christian have and indeed display so much contempt for other human beings?” Cowen is referring, of course, to the latest sneering diatribe in the New York Times by theologian David Bentley Hart. Continue Reading...

Study: Socialism turns people into liars

Socialism’s appeal is largely moral, not economic – not just because it doesn’t work economically, but because few people find economics compelling. Among their exaggerated claims, socialists argue that redistribution of wealth will create more moral people, not merely better living conditions. Continue Reading...
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