Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Overpopulation'

6 quotes: Martin Luther King Jr.

Americans celebrate the third Monday of every January in honor of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. However, his message of human dignity and racial equality inspired people worldwide, whether he delivered his sermons in Atlanta or Oslo. Continue Reading...

Bernie Sanders vs. Elon Musk and MLK on overpopulation

Time and reality have not been kind go Senator Bernie Sanders’ proposal to save the climate by aborting brown people. Admitted, Sanders did not use such stark, Jim Crow-era language, but his comments this week unintentionally revealed the competing ways dueling economic systems view human dignity. Continue Reading...

Three fallacies behind population control

One of the constant refrains in economic development—and now environment issues—is the topic of population control.   Evidence notwithstanding, the claim that population causes poverty and that the planet is facing a population explosion is taught as settled science—even in the face of serious population decline in some countries. Continue Reading...

Prince Harry’s two-child policy?

Although the British monarchy lost most of its formal power, it still exercises a number of functions in society: symbol of unity and continuity, devoted servant, and good example. Prince Harry put this last activity in peril when he said he would have no more than two children. Continue Reading...

Socialism contributes to a global baby deficit

Polarizing figures throughout history – from doomsday cults to political extremists – have advised their followers not to have children. Expert commentators and a groundbreaking new study show that this, when mixed with government pressure, has led countless mothers to lifelong remorse and deprived nations of a better standard of living. Continue Reading...