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Post Tagged 'hong kong'

China’s Future Is Not Fixed

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held its 20th national congress to chart its future direction and anoint Xi Jinping as leader-for-life. At least that’s what Xi plans. Xi lauded his record, which, he insisted, has “ensured that the party will never change in quality, change its color, or change its flavor.” Continue Reading...

The U.S. stands behind Hong Kong freedom fighter Jimmy Lai

One day after pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lai was found guilty of fraud charges, the U.S. Department of State responded to the verdict, condemning its “spurious fraud charges” and noting increasing concerns about “deterioration in protection for human rights” under the Chinese Communist Party’s National Security Law (NSL). Continue Reading...

Freedom fighter Jimmy Lai found guilty of fraud

In a blow to free speech, pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lai has been found guilty of fraud by a court in Hong Kong as China works to stamp out dissent. District Court judge Stanley Chan said Lai committed fraud by not revealing that he operated a consulting firm from the offices of his media company—a violation of his lease with a government-owned entity. Continue Reading...

Former Apple Daily executive given immunity to testify against Jimmy Lai

A former associate of Jimmy Lai’s will testify against him in exchange for his freedom, according to Hong Kong Free Press. Lai, a 74-year-old Hong Kong media mogul who owned Next Media and the pro-democracy Apple Daily newspaper, faces two counts of conspiracy to commit collusion with foreign countries or external elements, one count of collusion with foreign forces, and one count of conspiracy to print, publish, sell, offer for sale, distribute, display, and/or reproduce seditious publications. Continue Reading...

Cardinal Joseph Zen arrested in Hong Kong for support of pro-democracy protests released on bail

Following his arrest and hours of questioning, Cardinal Joseph Zen—one of the leading Catholic prelates in Hong Kong—was released on bail after being accused of “collusion with foreign forces.” As a staunch supporter of democracy in Hong Kong and mainland China, Zen has long spoken out against authoritarianism and the persecution of Catholics under Chinese president Xi Jinping. Continue Reading...