Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'economics'

Samuel Gregg: ‘First Things,’ R.R. Reno, and the market economy

The role of free market economics in the West should not be off-limits for debate among religious conservatives. As Samuel Gregg writes in a new essay, that standard should “provide philosophical and theological guidance about how to ground free economies—and liberal institutions more generally—upon more solid foundations than the peculiar mixes of utilitarianism, autonomy-for-autonomy’s sake, and pseudo-evolutionary theory advocated by some liberal thinkers.” Continue Reading...

Why truly free trade is also truly fair

Throughout our political discourse, we continue to hear critiques of free trade from left and right, each of them ultimately aiming to prod us closer to an abstract notion of so-called “fair” or “fairer” trade. Continue Reading...

Audio: Samuel Gregg on the universal basic income

Last week, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg endorsed the idea of a universal basic income during his commencement address at Harvard University. Samuel Gregg, Acton Institute Director of Research, joined host Drew Mariani on Relevant Radio yesterday to discuss the arguments for and against the idea, and whether it would even work as advertised. Continue Reading...

Video: Anne Rathbone Bradley on why Christians must support economic freedom

The 2017 Acton Lecture Series continued on March 3rd with an address by Anne Rathbone Bradley, Vice President of Economic Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics. Bradley explained that economic freedom is a necessary condition for each of us to contribute to and partake in human flourishing; Christians need to understand this fact and support economic freedom in order to allow everyone to be able to use their God-given gifts to participate in the redemption of His creation, and to better serve their families, neighbors, and others that they may not even know. Continue Reading...