Give socialism a try? Let’s not.

Elizabeth Bruenig, columnist for the Washington Post, yesterday published an opinion piece entitled, ‘It’s time to give socialism a try’. The title is a bit misleading as the piece makes no positive case for socialism but rather chronicles her own and several others convictions that something in our society has gone terribly wrong. Continue Reading...

Misreading capitalism

At this year’s LibertyCon Byran Caplan, Economist at George Mason University, and Elizabeth Bruenig, columnist for the Washington Post, debated the perennial question of ‘Socialism vs. Capitalism.’ Both Caplan and Bruenig have posted their opening statements and it is an interesting and engaging exchange. Continue Reading...

Why do millennials favor socialism?

It isn’t news that a large number of millennials gravitate towards socialism. Older generations who have lived in the shadow of socialism and similar ideological regimes however, may wonder why. Why do those who have experienced the benefits of capitalism wish to live under the kind of governments that slaughtered millions in the previous century? Continue Reading...

Millennials in America have a troubling view of communism and socialism

“We discovered a rampant amnesia about the crimes of communist regimes,” says Marion Smith, “and a growing inclination among younger Americans toward favorable views of communism and socialism.” Their latest survey was recently released—and the responses are just as troubling: • 7 in 10 Millennials (like most Americans) either don’t know the definition of communism or misidentify it for socialism. Continue Reading...