In the wake of socialism, Venezuela’s black-market capitalists meet community needs

The Venezuelan people continue to struggle and suffer under the weight of severe socialist policies—facing increased poverty and hunger, swelling suicide rates, and widespread social unrest. Yet even as its president admits to a nationwide economic emergency, the government continues to celebrate the very drivers behind the collapse, blaming low oil prices and “global capitalism,” instead. Continue Reading...

How Christian Marxism took root in Brazil

1968 was a year of intense change for the world. Anyone who lived it may have thought the world was being engulfed by the waters of revolution.  Across the world, students took to the streets promising to destroy the political system. Continue Reading...

Rev. Tim Keller on the myth of omnicompetence

One of the dangers of forming a modern identity around achievement is what Rev. Tim Keller calls “the success-failure whiplash.” Succeeding in one area can cause people to believe they have the skills and inner qualities to do anything, and everything, alone – that they are omnicompetent. Continue Reading...

Cuba’s doctor rebellion: ‘You get tired of being a slave’

“You are trained in Cuba and our education is free. Health care is free, but at what price? You wind up paying for it your whole life.” –Dr. Yaili Jiménez Gutierrez In 2013, the World Health Organization brokered a deal through which Cuba would export doctors to Brazil to serve in its poorest and most remote areas. Continue Reading...

Lord Acton vs. the ‘New Socialists’ on Freedom

Corey Robin, professor of political science at Brooklyn College and the City University of New York Graduate Center, wrote an interesting and troubling piece last week in the New York Times titled, “The New Socialists: Why the pitch from Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders resonates in 2018.” Continue Reading...

Democrats are now more positive about socialism than capitalism

The News: According to a new Gallup survey, a majority of Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than of capitalism. The Background: Since 2010 Gallup has asked Democrats and Republicans whether they have a positive or negative image of small business, entrepreneurs, free enterprise, capitalism, big business, the federal government, and socialism. Continue Reading...

We are all New Deal socialists now

President Trump is known for public unveiling his inner thoughts on Twitter. But one of the most revealing comments he’s ever made came recently in a private discussion with lawmakers about trade policy. Continue Reading...