Religion & Liberty Online Archives

Acton Occasional Series

5 Facts about Washington’s Birthday

Today is the U.S. federal holiday known as Washington’s Birthday (not “Presidents Day—see item #1). In honor of George Washington’s birthday, here are 5 things you should know about the day set aside for our America’s premier founding father. Continue Reading...

An introduction to business fluctuations

Note: This is post #109 in a weekly video series on basic economics. Rather than moving at a steady pace, economic growth ebbs and flows and has booms and busts. Economists refer to these ups and downs around a country’s long-term GDP growth trend as “business fluctuations.” Continue Reading...

Why governments create inflation

Note: This is post #108 in a weekly video series on basic economics. Most people do not like when prices rise so most people do not like inflation. But there is one sector that sometimes finds inflation beneficial: government. Continue Reading...