Religion & Liberty Online Archives

Acton Occasional Series

What is the money multiplier?

Note: This is post #118 in a weekly video series on basic economics. What happens when you deposit money in a bank? Because of government requirements, the bank must keep some but it allowed to lend out the rest. Continue Reading...

The U.S. money supplies

Note: This is post #117 in a weekly video series on basic economics. What exactly is money? That may seem like a really simple question, but it’s actually kind of complicated, notes economist Alex Tabarrok. Continue Reading...

Explainer: Republican lawmakers unveil paid family leave plan

What just happened? Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) and Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Missouri) re-introduced a bill yesterday (slightly modified from one from last year) that would allow parents to use their Social Security benefits to provide paid parental leave benefits following the birth or adoption of a child. Continue Reading...

Game of Theories: The Austrians

Note: This is post #116 in a weekly video series on basic economics. The Austrian school of economic thought emphasizes market price signals and how they communicate decentralized information in an economy, says economist Tyler Cowen. Continue Reading...

5 Facts about fascism

This past Saturday was the 100th anniversary of the forming of the  Fascist movement in Milan, Italy in 1919. Here are five facts you should know about fascism: 1. Benito Mussolini coined the term “fascism” in 1919 to describe his political movement, the black-shirted members the Fasci di combattimento (“combat groups”), who seized power in Italy in 1922. Continue Reading...

FAQ: What is Purim?

This year in most of the world, the Jewish feast of Purim lasts from sundown on March 20  to sundown March 21. Here are the facts you need to know: What is Purim? Continue Reading...