Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

The facts on Amy Coney Barrett and banning contraception

Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee spent days prodding Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett over the hypothetical possibility that the government may one day outlaw birth control. One exchange in particular encapsulated politicians’ inability to grasp the proper role of government, the law, and economic incentives. Continue Reading...

COVID-19’s entrepreneurial creativity

The “new normal” of the COVID-19 pandemic has settled in and, with it, a new host of challenges. Businesses have adapted to the changing needs and desires of individuals in creative ways, sometimes radically changing their products, structures, and strategies. Continue Reading...

The government should scratch the lottery

State lotteries may seem like a good thing. They raise money for government programs like public schools. People contribute their money voluntarily (unlike most forms of taxation), which removes the moral weight involved in forcing people to hand over their money. Continue Reading...

Donald Trump’s bad prescription for drug prices

The final night of the 2020 Republican National Convention included powerful lines promoting the Trump administration’s drug price policies. President Donald Trump claimed that his recent executive orders on drug prices “will massively lower the cost of your prescription drugs.” Continue Reading...

Explainer: What does Kamala Harris believe?

Senator and presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris will address the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night. As the convention plans to nominate the oldest presidential candidate in U.S. history, Harris’ views and record hold greater significance than any running mate since Harry Truman in 1944. Continue Reading...
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