Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

Why do millennials favor socialism?

It isn’t news that a large number of millennials gravitate towards socialism. Older generations who have lived in the shadow of socialism and similar ideological regimes however, may wonder why. Why do those who have experienced the benefits of capitalism wish to live under the kind of governments that slaughtered millions in the previous century? Continue Reading...

The Year in Acton Commentary 2017

Every Wednesday we publish the Acton Commentary, a weekly article that covers topics related to the mission of the Acton Institute. As 2017 comes to a close we thought it would be worth highlighting the top ten commentaries produced by Acton staffers and contributors over the past year. Continue Reading...

The archbishop of Canterbury eyes a ‘broken’ economy

  Defending the free market and advocating for ever-greater access to capital is of paramount importance during uneven economic patches. That is how Christians should greet comments from Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, who recently said that the economy is “broken.” Continue Reading...

The Harmful Effects of Protectionism

What is the biggest economic problem that the U.S. is currently facing? Depends who you ask.  Some social justice warriors would tell you that capitalism is ruining our economy, yet many who have studied and understand economics would argue the opposite. Continue Reading...
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