Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

Francis Asbury & The Rise of American Methodism

Francis Asbury was so well-known in early America that letters addressed to “Bishop Asbury, United States of America” were delivered to him. During his life, Methodist Bishop Asbury (1745-1816) is said to have preached well over 16,000 sermons and traveled nearly 300,000 miles on horseback alone. Continue Reading...

MLK and Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice Blog: “If Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. was alive today he would be an environmental justice activist.” Perhaps. MLK went to Memphis in 1968 on a mission for black garbage workers demanding equal pay and better work conditions. Continue Reading...

The moral imperative of our time?

In his “Bad Economics, Bad Public Policy and Bad Theology,” columnist Raymond Keating makes the case on that the Religious Left offers “assorted biblical passages that speak of aiding the poor, the necessity for charity and justice, or other vague generalities, and then simply assert that these quotations support the particulars of their big government philosophy. Continue Reading...