Walter Williams, RIP

December 02, 2020 • by Rev. Ben Johnson

Walter Williams, RIP

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Why are schools closed? Unions and partisanship, study finds

On Monday, children across the nation ceased giving thanks as they returned to school after their extended holiday break. However, millions more would rejoice if they had that opportunity (as would their parents), an opportunity that a new study finds they are denied not on the basis of science, but by the brawn of union strength and political pressure. Continue Reading...

How to give thanks in 2020

Thanksgiving in 2020 seems to be an oxymoron. What good can we celebrate in the year that witnessed an ongoing global health pandemic, an artificial economic crisis, and the largest federal budget deficit in U.S. Continue Reading...

Talking around the turkey: pre-political blessings

Talking politics around the turkey can turn November 26th from a joyful celebration to a daunting day. While the laughing family, gleaming silverware, or perfectly cooked turkey of Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Want painting is our ideal, reality sometimes looks very different. Continue Reading...

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Even Bernie Sanders opposed the gas tax

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