‘Jesus was a political revolutionary’: Ibram X. Kendi ‘rejects’ orthodox Christianity

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Equity? New bill could kick minority teachers out of the classroom

Lawmakers in Minnesota, the crucible of last summer’s deadly riots, have made a concerted effort to increase the number of minorities teaching in the public schools. That goal is on a collision course with a bill that would cut off pathways to becoming a teacher and could throw more minority teachers out of work than the state recruits. Continue Reading...

Murray Rothbard on Christianity, Catholicism, and theology

A hidden gem of Murray Rothbard’s thinking on the “Whig Theory of History” was published by the Mises Institute here in 2010. This publication was excerpted from an edited transcript of “Ideology and Theories of History” (ITH), the first in a series of six lectures on the history of economic thought given by Rothbard in 1986, published here in 2006. Continue Reading...

Jordan Peterson on the universal basic income

As we enter a new age of automation and artificial intelligence, fears about job loss and human obsolescence are troubling the cultural imagination. Prosperity abounds, but innovators like Elon Musk and Bill Gates continue to predict a future where humans steadily diminish in their contributions, becoming ever more dependent on external sources of provision. Continue Reading...

Rev. Robert Sirico on Ayn Rand’s search for God

“Who is John Galt?” That line, which motivated millions of readers to slog their way through Ayn Rand’s tome Atlas Shrugged, is more than a plea to establish someone’s identity; it embodies Rand’s longing for the transcendent One, according to Rev. Continue Reading...

How does human work further human dignity?

For all the claims regarding the subjectivity of economics, including schools of thought that emphasize subjective value theory and the descriptive rather than the normative, much mainstream economic thought focuses on what seems to be objective and measurable. Continue Reading...