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Poverty Cure Essay Contest winners, 2021

How can we effectively combat poverty? Students from across the globe answered that question and brought fresh ideas to the table in our recent essay competition, which took place as a part of the 2020 Poverty Cure Summit. Continue Reading...
Acton Institute building

The Suez Canal blockage: a metaphor for our economy

A team of engineers and an unusually high tide freed the Ever Given, the container ship that blocked the Suez Canal for six days, on Monday. Obstructing the canal that facilitates 13% of world’s maritime trade not only educated Americans about the international dimensions of our economy, it also served as a metaphor for the artificial constraints, taxes, and regulations that block so many people from participating in our economy. Continue Reading...

Equity? New bill could kick minority teachers out of the classroom

Lawmakers in Minnesota, the crucible of last summer’s deadly riots, have made a concerted effort to increase the number of minorities teaching in the public schools. That goal is on a collision course with a bill that would cut off pathways to becoming a teacher and could throw more minority teachers out of work than the state recruits. Continue Reading...

Murray Rothbard on Christianity, Catholicism, and theology

A hidden gem of Murray Rothbard’s thinking on the “Whig Theory of History” was published by the Mises Institute here in 2010. This publication was excerpted from an edited transcript of “Ideology and Theories of History” (ITH), the first in a series of six lectures on the history of economic thought given by Rothbard in 1986, published here in 2006. Continue Reading...