Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

6 quotes: The Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights

This week, a federal committee accomplished the rarest of all achievements: It produced a government document worth reading. On Thursday, July 16, the U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights released a clear, enlightened, and comprehensive report on the origins, authentic content, and illegitimate expansion of human rights. Continue Reading...

Why I worked this May Day

Today, I am working from Rome. It is Labor Day here–La Festa dei lavoratori–one of those many guaranteed Italian holidays which we are not supposed to spend in the office. Continue Reading...

Civil society in a time of pandemic

As the coronavirus spreads, federal, state, and local governments are wrestling with how to handle the crisis. So are civil associations, churches, businesses, and families. The role of civil society is often neglected, but it could be the most important. Continue Reading...

COVID-19 could inspire an ‘age of dispersion’ from megacities

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the constraints of “social distancing” have inspired new waves of innovation across spheres and sectors. “Life will never be the same” has become a common refrain—an ominous nod to the steady “Zoomification” of everyday life and its looming influence on the future of work, school, church, the family and beyond. Continue Reading...
urban density