Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

Harry Potter: Venture capitalist

I recently read the first Harry Potter novel to my six-year-old son Brendan, then watched the film with him. It was all the fun I hoped it would be: he is just the right age for it — excitedly asking what is going to happen next and jumping and cheering at the end. Continue Reading...

Enjoying your weekend? Thank God and free markets

No two words in the English language create the feeling of relaxation as perfectly as “summertime weekend.” But the two days of physical and spiritual rest we enjoy each week are not the inevitable products of the cosmic order: They have been made possible by the unique marriage of the free market and faith. Continue Reading...

The Paradise Papers: A moral assessment of tax havens from Richard Teather

To hear politicians across the Atlantic tell it, the dark specter of Paradise is haunting the world. The Paradise Papers reveal precisely how wealthy individuals and corporations – including the Queen of England, U2’s sainted front man Bono, the less-than-saintly Madonna, and scores of others – have used offshore tax havens to limit their tax liability. Continue Reading...

The trivium of business school

Note: This is the second in a series on developing a Christian mind in business school. You can find the intro post here. When people ask me what business school was like, I’m tempted to say, “A lot like a medieval university.” Continue Reading...