Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

The decline of Western civilization, redux

A review of Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics Is Destroying American Democracy by Jonah J. Goldberg, Crown Forum, 2018, 442 pp., $28. Suicide of the West is intended as a “serious” work, which it is indeed. Continue Reading...

Why is the State of the Union always ‘strong’?

I have a can’t miss prediction: tonight, when President Trump gives his first State of the Union address, he will describe the state of the union as “strong.” (I’ve made this prediction on this blog the past several years, so I’m hoping for a quadfecta of prescience tonight.) Continue Reading...

How gratitude empowers the free society

Despite being surrounded by unprecedented levels of opportunity and prosperity, we live in a profoundly anxious age, fearful of economic disruption even as we resist the pull to idolize status, wealth, and comfortability. Continue Reading...

5 facts about Inauguration Day

Tomorrow is Inauguration Day, a day of ceremonies to mark the peaceful transition of federal executive power within the United States government. Here are five facts should know about the most important date (after Election Day) on the political calendar: 1. Continue Reading...

Why Free Markets Are an Anti-Pollutant

Although Earth Day 2016 has officially ended, the call for Christians to care for the Earth continues. For us, every day is Earth day. Too often, though, we Christians don’t have a robust enough understanding of how to care for the environment or how that duty is connected to economics. Continue Reading...

Why is the State of the Union Always ‘Strong’?

I have a can’t miss prediction: tonight, when President Obama gives his eighth State of the Union address, he will describe the state of the union as “strong.” (I’ve made this prediction on this blog the past three years, so I’m hoping for a quadfecta of prescience tonight.) Continue Reading...

Why is the State of the Union Always ‘Strong’?

I have a can’t miss prediction: tonight, when President Obama gives his seventh State of the Union address, he will describe the state of the union as “strong.” (I’ve made this prediction on this blog the past two years, so I’m hoping for a trifecta of prescience tonight.) Continue Reading...
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