Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

Why Europe’s churches are under attack

For many people of faith, especially Catholics and Orthodox Christians, churches are sacred places. An older cathedral, for example, is not a museum nor merely a relic of the past, but rather a place where it is believed that grace is given through sacraments, a place where God dwells. Continue Reading...

Samuel Gregg: Marco Rubio’s ‘soft corporatism won’t help workers’

Senator Marco Rubio, R-FL, touched off a debate about the values of capitalism with his remarks on “common-good capitalism” on November 5 at the Catholic University of America. Today, Acton Institute Director of Research Samuel Gregg offers his assessment at Law & Liberty, where he traces Rubio’s thought to one of the most influential political philosophies in postwar Western European history. Continue Reading...

An impartial observer of Europe’s crises

  At the Catholic Herald, Samuel Gregg, research director for the Acton Institute, reviews Oliver Roy’s new book, Is Europe Christian? Is Europe Christian? A professor at Florence’s European University Institute, Roy seeks to outline what is happening in Europe vis-à-vis religion and what this means for Europe’s self-understanding. Continue Reading...

PowerBlog Redux: How the Byzantines saved Europe

A really interesting chat about the Roman Empire on this week’s podcast with Samuel Gregg and Larry Reed (register for Reed’s talk today here). Gregg helped expand the scope of the discussion by noting that the Roman Empire actually lasted for more than 1,000 years — in the East. Continue Reading...

Samuel Gregg: The crumbling anti-politics of constitutional patriotism

The Kantian dream of undoing real nations keeps foundering on the shoals of human nature’s need for real attachments to place, says Acton research director Samuel Gregg in a new article for Law & Liberty: If there’s anything that political earthquakes like Brexit and the ongoing spread of nationalist feeling throughout the European Union demonstrates, it’s that popular support for Europe’s integration project is floundering. Continue Reading...

Samuel Gregg on Germany’s populist surge

Following the election results in Germany this past Sunday, Chancellor Angela Merkel has been re-elected to serve for a fourth term. In his article “Germany Revolts“, Samuel Gregg describes Chancellor Merkel’s party as being “woefully out of touch” with the German people, and as a result many are abandoning the CDU/CSU coalition for the AFD. Continue Reading...

Radio Free Acton: Wonder Woman’s heartfelt humanity; Samuel Gregg on the UK elections

We’re back with a fresh edition of Radio Free Acton! This week, we talk with Acton’s Director of Research Samuel Gregg for some perspective on the surprising outcome of the June 8 snap parliamentary elections in Great Britain, and what the resurgence of Labour and the loss of a conservative majority mean for Prime Minister Theresa May and the upcoming Brexit negotiations with the EU. Continue Reading...
Radio Free Acton - Wonder Woman & UK Elections