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Former Apple Daily executive given immunity to testify against Jimmy Lai

A former associate of Jimmy Lai’s will testify against him in exchange for his freedom, according to Hong Kong Free Press. Lai, a 74-year-old Hong Kong media mogul who owned Next Media and the pro-democracy Apple Daily newspaper, faces two counts of conspiracy to commit collusion with foreign countries or external elements, one count of collusion with foreign forces, and one count of conspiracy to print, publish, sell, offer for sale, distribute, display, and/or reproduce seditious publications. Continue Reading...

Cardinal Joseph Zen arrested in Hong Kong for support of pro-democracy protests released on bail

Following his arrest and hours of questioning, Cardinal Joseph Zen—one of the leading Catholic prelates in Hong Kong—was released on bail after being accused of “collusion with foreign forces.” As a staunch supporter of democracy in Hong Kong and mainland China, Zen has long spoken out against authoritarianism and the persecution of Catholics under Chinese president Xi Jinping. Continue Reading...

Michael Bay’s Ambulance is DOA

Film critics recently have been trying to encourage their audiences to return to theaters—cinema, after all, is a lot more impressive on a big screen and in the company of people who share our emotions. Continue Reading...

The Sowell of black America

“Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” —Augustine Thomas Sowell is a towering figure in the liberty movement, certainly the most (in)famous “black conservative” of the 20th century. Continue Reading...

The Founders’ Constitution and its discontents

The term “constitutional law” is in large part a misnomer. This is rarely discussed within the guild of the legal profession and heretical in the increasingly woke precincts of the legal academy, where the field of “constitutional theory” is a cottage industry. Continue Reading...