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Jimmy Lai Denied Counsel Yet Again as Power Shifts to Pro-CCP Exec

Jimmy Lai is Hong Kong’s most persecuted freedom fighter. Jailed in December 2020 for the crime of protesting the Chinese Communist Party’s clampdown on civil rights in Hong Kong, the 75-year-old fashion mogul and entrepreneur faces the possibility of life in prison if convicted of violating the CCP’s National Security Law, which took effect in June 2020. Continue Reading...

Reading Well for Your Spiritual Life

Widespread literacy is taken for granted in America today. Our global economy, societal structures, professional success, and everyday activities depend upon our ability to read, even as our interest in reading books appears to be declining. Continue Reading...

Engaging the Culture for Christ

Billy Graham was often called “America’s Pastor.” Throughout the 20th century, few rivaled his spiritual influence over the nation. But as we slink into the 21st century, its seems that the pastor for our day is Timothy Keller. Continue Reading...

Hollywood’s Lost Paradise

Dreams can often turn into nightmares. And dreams in Hollywood are a special kind, as are the nightmares that can follow. One day you’re getting ready to audition for a role in a movie. Continue Reading...

The Genesis Paradigm vs. the Gender Paradigm

Abigail Favale’s The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory presents a positive vision of gender as part of God’s good creation. She describes and responds to contemporary gender theory, showing how it is contradictory to the Christian understanding of gender in general. Continue Reading...

Jacques Maritain and Art for Beauty’s Sake

On this particular day … we had just said to one another that if our nature was so unhappy as to possess only a pseudo-intelligence capable of everything but the truth, if, sitting in judgment on itself, it had to debase itself to such a point, then we could neither think nor act with any dignity. Continue Reading...

New UK Report Slams CCP in Jimmy Lai Case

As 75-year-old Jimmy Lai languishes in prison, the Hong Kong government, pressured by the Chinese Community Party (CCP), is dedicated to ensuring that the country’s most famous freedom fighter fails to win any further support for his cause. Continue Reading...