Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

A golden opportunity for ‘The Silver Ring Thing’

Touting the success of his faith-based initiative last week, President Bush noted that faith-based charities received more than $2 billion last year from the federal government. But even as Bush announced that the Department of Homeland Security would be the 11th agency to establish an office for the faith-based initiative, some groups are finding the money to be a mixed blessing. Continue Reading...

A blessing in disguise

I’ve talked before about the complexities of government funding before with regard to the abstinence-program called the Silver Ring Thing. Now, on the heels of an ACLU suit, SRT is being faced with a cut-off in federal funding. Continue Reading...

The virtues of drink

Some caricatures of Puritans depict them as strict, severe, and stolid. H.L. Mencken’s famous definition of a Puritan is an example of this: “A Puritan is someone who is desperately afraid that, somewhere, someone might be having a good time.” Continue Reading...

Harming head start

Two years ago the Head Start battle focused on effectiveness: Were low income kids truly better prepared for starting school because they had participated in the program? No solid answers emerged, but like so many other Beltway debates, the substance issues abate once the funding crisis is passed. Continue Reading...