Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

The Economic Analogy of Michael Jordan

Much has been made of income inequality in the United States this election season. Income inequality exists in the United States, more so than almost any other developed nation. Around sixty years ago, America’s Gini coefficient–the best measure of income equality, where zero represents the least inequality and one the most–was .37. Continue Reading...

The Dangers of Democratic Tyranny

In the context of commentary on protests like those in Quebec and the Occupy movement more broadly, it’s worth reflecting on the dangers of democratic tyranny. The “people” can be tyrannical just as an individual sovereign or an oligarchy might. Continue Reading...

New Journal of Markets & Morality Website

Today marks the official launch of the new and improved website for the Journal of Markets & Morality. In addition to the new design, we also have included a search feature whereby anyone who wants can search back issues for keywords, authors, names, and so on. Continue Reading...

Commentary: So who is our Keeper, Mr. President?

In a recent speech, President Obama invoked Scripture to justify his ambitious spending plans. In this week’s Acton Commentary (published May 25), Acton Research Director Samuel Gregg notes that the president said nothing about the role of private communities and associations in helping our brothers and sisters in need. Continue Reading...

Are Islam and Liberal Democracy Compatible?

This was the topic of our latest Campus Martius discussion group at the Istituto Acton office in Rome. Our guest speaker was law professor David Forte, who presented some of the challenges in furthering liberal democracy in Muslim-majority countries. Continue Reading...