‘Witchcraft is the tool of the oppressed class’

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The importance of searching for truth

“What is truth?” This question Pontius Pilate asked Christ moments before the Crucifixion is, in my opinion, the question that the rest of the Gospels spend answering. It is the reason why Jesus gives no specific answer to Pilate in John 18, and instead simply stands there as the answer Himself. Continue Reading...

Argentina returns to its sad economic past

Back in 2015, Mauricio Macri became president of Argentina. He inherited an economy in ruins and a society teetering on the edge of despair after 12 years rule by Peronist populists: first President Nestor Kirchner followed by his wife, Cristina. Continue Reading...

Bernie Sanders vs. Elon Musk and MLK on overpopulation

Time and reality have not been kind go Senator Bernie Sanders’ proposal to save the climate by aborting brown people. Admitted, Sanders did not use such stark, Jim Crow-era language, but his comments this week unintentionally revealed the competing ways dueling economic systems view human dignity. Continue Reading...

A Christian’s calling during Brexit chaos

The UK has been on a wild ride this week, with the future of Brexit teetering on a razor’s edge. Prime Minister Boris Johnson expelled 21 members from the Conservative Party after they voted for a bill preventing the UK from leaving the EU without a deal, while Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party – which regularly demanded a general election against the hapless Theresa May – sank (or at least postponed) Johnson’s plan to call a general election. Continue Reading...

The most important economic chart in Western civilization

James Pethokoukis of AEI says this is the most important economic chart in Western civilization. I completely agree. The concept is so important that no student should receive a passing grade in any economics class—whether in high school or college—unless they can explain why economic growth matters (ideally, every educated Christian would be able to do so too since it has theological implications). Continue Reading...