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Amazon tribal chief: Liberation theology sustains primitive economy

  As the Synod of Bishops from the Amazon continues to make headlines, many are curious about the contents of its forthcoming report. According to Pope Francis, the synod’s goal is “to identify new paths for the evangelization of God’s people in that region,” with a particular emphasis on the region’s indigenous people, who are “often forgotten and without the prospect of a serene future.” Continue Reading...

On being wrapped up in books

Last night I gave an address at The Grand Castle in Grandville, Michigan on the occasioning of its library opening. I spoke on the importance of books and libraries. As the Librarian and a Research Associate at the Acton Institute it is a topic of professional interest but is also an abiding private passion. Continue Reading...

Drucker on private property and the modern corporation

This is the sixth in a series of essays on Peter Drucker’s early works. Peter Drucker recognized the revolutionary aspect of the corporate form. The older corporations wielded something close to sovereign authority as they essentially ruled the territory wherever they traded and planted. Continue Reading...