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Sixty years ago today…

German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer is moved to the Flossenbürg concentration camp. During the night there is a summary court-martial, and on April 9, 1945, Bonhoeffer is executed. Here is a Christianity Today bio on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Continue Reading...

Acton on the Laura Ingraham Show

Rev. Robert Sirico, president of the Acton Institute, will join The Laura Ingraham Show tomorrow beginning at 9:30 am EDT to discuss events from the Vatican. Tune in for a live broadcast of Laura’s show via Cleveland’s 1420 WHK Radio. Continue Reading...

Think again

Think governmental corruption is only a problem in the developing world? Think again. The American media are beginning to cover a burgeoning scandal in Canada. The Canadian media, meanwhile, have been stifled by an order from a Canadian judge limiting the dissemination of information, so as to not prejudice potential jurors. Continue Reading...

More on JPII

Jonah Goldberg on NRO takes issue with interpreting the pope according to left-right categories. Here’s the last paragraph: “Some of John Paul the Great’s detractors saw his ‘social conservatism’ as a contradiction to his criticism of capitalism run amok, or regarded his opposition to the death penalty as at odds with his opposition to abortion. Continue Reading...

Survival of the metaphysically fittest

Crux Magazine, a new e-zine and sister publication of Touchstone Magazine, has an insightful analysis and summary of some of the recent trends in scientific studies of religion. In “Survival of the Metaphysically Fittest,” John D. Continue Reading...

Papal economics on NRO

“Where did Pope John Paul II stand on economic issues?” Father Robert Sirico answers this question in an article appearing today on National Review Online, “Papal Economics 101: Freedom and truth.” Continue Reading...

Tort reform as a moral issue

Law professor Ronald J. Rychlak discusses some of the developments in tort law in the United States, as well as some of the proposed reforms. “As legislators and other lawmakers consider future planned reforms to the tort system, the goal must be to return to a system which affirms the dignity and intrinsic value of the person and the community by placing blame only on those who cause damage, not simply on those who have deep pockets,” he writes. Continue Reading...

Interview with J.C. Huizenga

This month’s School Reform News, a publication of the Heartland Institute, has an interview with J.C. Huizenga, member of the Acton Institute’s Board of Directors, as well as founder and chairman of the National Heritage Academies, “Bringing the Profit Motive and Moral Values to Education.” Continue Reading...