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‘No Bible Sunday’

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10 NIV). According to The Christian Post, “On May 22, churches in several parts of the world are planning to hold ‘No Bible’ services where The Bible, even hymn books, over-head-projector slides, or anything else containing Scripture, will be locked away from view.” Continue Reading...

Two philosophers

On this date, in 1813, Danish philosopher and Christian Søren Kierkegaard was born. Five years later, on this date in 1818, German philosopher and atheist Karl Marx was born. For a rough sketch of where these men fit in the history of philosophy, see this “Flow Chart of Modern Philosophy After Kant.” Continue Reading...

Fear the LORD and shun evil

A respondent over at Mere Comments gets right to the heart of what the scientific and technological ethos is (i.e., Technopoly): “If we can do it, it’s right” and “If we can do it, we do it” which resolve to “it’s right if I do it.” Continue Reading...

Dreadful Doldrums in Deutschland

Watch Germany fall further into the abyss as it turns its back on both liberalism and Christianity. Once a staunchly pro-American, global economic powerhouse, the country is now the “sick man” of Europe more ways than one. Continue Reading...

Wal-Mart’s wages

Here’s a well-balanced story by Steve Greenhouse in today’s New York Times, “Can’t Wal-Mart, a Retail Behemoth, Pay More?” On this point, refer to an op-ed by Acton staff about the economics and ethics of the “living wage” (PDF). Continue Reading...

Civic groups remain relevant

Noting the declining participation in community and civic groups, Jordan J. Ballor assesses a different root cause than has been put forth so far. “The greatest share of blame,” he writes, “Ought to be laid at the feet of the modernist view of individuality, which minimizes the importance of community and social structures.” Continue Reading...

Acton and Kuyper on politics

"In the French revolution a civil liberty for every Christian to agree with the unbelieving majority; in Calvinism, a liberty of conscience, which enables every man to serve God according to his own conviction and the dictates of his own heart." Continue Reading...

Remaking the covenant

Some theologians have taken a troubling interpretation of the Noahic covenant to support a heterodox agenda. The World Alliance of Reformed Churches, in its attempts to call a status confessionis, called various study groups and forums to report on the “global crisis of life.” Continue Reading...

Over the edge with the religious left

Over the course of the past few months, many leaders on the left have been ramping up their rhetoric against the influence of the much-maligned “religious right” in American politics. The most recent high-profile example came from Democratic Senator Ken Salazar of Colorado, who described James Dobson and his Focus on the Family organization as “…the Antichrist of the world” in response to their strong advocacy against the filibustering of judicial nominees. Continue Reading...