Affirming the rule of law

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What’s your theological worldview?

You scored as Reformed Evangelical. You are a Reformed Evangelical. You take the Bible very seriously because it is God’s Word. You most likely hold to TULIP and are sceptical about the possibilities of universal atonement or resistible grace. Continue Reading...

‘Civil Society…is Never Enough’

A quote from a speaker at the CRC’s Synod 2005, endorsing the Micah Challenge and the ONE Campaign. He also intimated that churches could never hope to match the $40 billion pledged recently to cut aid debt for African nations. Continue Reading...

The new space capitalists

After SpaceShipOne was awarded the Ansari X Prize last year, Paul G. Allen became “the best-known member of a growing club of high-tech thrillionaires, including the Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who find themselves with money enough to fulfill their childhood fascination with space,” reports John Schwartz in today’s New York Times. Continue Reading...

Energy bill heads to Senate

A contentious energy bill passed by the House is scheduled to be taken up by the Senate today. House Republicans are calling for swift passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, but some Senators are threatening to put off a vote until their concerns about offshore oil drilling are met. Continue Reading...

A lot of hot air

“Wind Farms Costly for Kansans, New Study Finds: Consumers would pay higher bills, reap few green benefits,” by James M. Taylor, Environment News, May 1, 2005, The Heartland Institute. Via the highly recommended Evangelical Ecologist. Continue Reading...

Implications of total depravity

From Edgar Allan Poe’s short story The Black Cat, first published in 1843: And then came, as if to my final and irrevocable overthrow, the spirit of PERVERSENESS. Of this spirit philosophy takes no account. Continue Reading...

The precondition for aid – civil society

The Wall Street Journal editorializes today on the latest thuggish brutality from one of Africa’s saddest stories – Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe (subscription required): One of Africa’s poorest countries, Zimbabwe, is suffering through a brutal forced relocation reminiscent of the Khmer Rouge’s “ruralization.” Continue Reading...

‘Wealth Isn’t Earned by the Hour’

In an informative interview via Christianity Today’s Money&, Dan Miller gives good guidance for people to become entrepreneurs. He’s a big proponent of the side business, which could take as little as 5 hours per week. Continue Reading...