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The problem with aid

In a number of previous posts, I have expressed concern over new efforts to increase the amount of government-to-government aid to Africa (see here, here, and here for background). Today brings another bit of news that should give pause to anyone advocating for massive increases in government aid to Africa. Continue Reading...

Journal of Markets & Morality, volume 8, issue 1

Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 8 • Number 1 The publication of this issue (vol. 8, no. 1) marks the full implementation of the journal’s two issue moving wall. This means that as an archived issue, volume 7, number 1 is now freely available in its entirety. Continue Reading...

Ruling on the Decalogue

I have to admit that I’ve never been able to get that fired up about the controversies surrounding the various public displays of the Decalogue. It no doubt has to do with my view that it is far more important for the law to be written on our hearts rather than on stone (see for example Jeremiah 31:27-40). Continue Reading...

Reagan voted greatest American

Ronald Reagan was voted the Greatest American in history by a slim margin by a Discovery Channel program, barely beating out Abraham Lincoln. Martin Luther King, Jr., George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin rounded out the top 5. Continue Reading...

Take your ball and go home

“Winning isn’t everything.” Whatever happened to this slice of wisdom? In Columbus, Ohio, a team of baseball players has been ejected from their league for being “too good”! (Read the story here). Continue Reading...

Gregg in The Tablet

Samuel Gregg, director of Acton’s Center for Academic Research, wrote “One nation under God?” appearing in tomorrow’s The Tablet: To European eyes, America seems a remarkably united religious country. But the United States is as prey to disputes over secularism as other Western nations. Continue Reading...

Greening evangelicals

Rev. Richard Cizik of Virginia is being hailed as “in the vanguard of a striking new movement: evangelicals prodding President George W Bush to take action on global warming. And his stance cannot easily be dismissed as radical nonsense, as the Green cause is traditionally mocked by the Right. Continue Reading...