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Review Note: Confessions of a Christian Humanist

My review of John W. de Gruchy’s Confessions of a Christian Humanist appears in the latest issue of Christian Scholar’s Review 36, no. 3 (Spring 2007). A taste: “At the conclusion of de Gruchy’s confession, the reader is left with a suspicion that the facile opposition between secularism and religious fundamentalism on the one side and humanism (secular and Christian) on the other obscures linkages that ought to unite Christians of whatever persuasion.” Continue Reading...

The Church and Globalization

Economic globalization has lifted millions out of dire poverty and is an unparalelled engine of wealth creation. But, like other economic systems, it needs the moral framework that the Church provides to guide it as a humane force for good. Continue Reading...

A Single-State Recession

The number of jobs (nonfarm, not seasonally-adjusted) added to the US economy since 2004 numbers around 6 million. But over the same period, Michigan has lost over 50,000 jobs. What’s going on? Continue Reading...

More Matrix Anthropology

Oliver “Buzz” Thomas: “We’re like cancer. Unable to pace ourselves, we are greedily consuming our host organism (i.e. planet Earth) and getting dangerously close to killing ourselves in the process. The difference is that cancer has an excuse: No brain.” Continue Reading...

Japan’s “Cool Biz” Effort Gets Immediate Results

With more efforts like this we could solve global warming tomorrow (and mismanaged pensions, and short necks, and the auto industry, and…). TOKYO (Reuters) – An unseasonal chill had some cabinet ministers shivering in their short-sleeved shirts as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe launched Japan’s annual "Cool Biz" fashion campaign to save energy and fight global warming. Continue Reading...

Do Nothing, Save the Planet

“If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” That’s a good rule, I think. The Care of Creation blog is noting, however, that “people who work longer hours use more energy and generally contribute more to the decline of the ecological quality of life on planet earth.” Continue Reading...

Paging Dr. Kevorkian

The pro-assisted suicide movement always couches its argument in terms of “compassion” and “choice,” downplays the word “suicide,” and breezily dismiss any counter arguments about the (very real) slippery slope that will accompany the legalization of the practice. Continue Reading...

Global Warming Consensus Alert: GWCW IS A TOOL OF EXXON

In what might be the coolest thing ever to happen to me, a Grand Rapids-based “progressive” news outlet has implied that I – as the creative dynamo behind the beloved and highly anticipated Global Warming Consensus Watch posts – am little more than a corporate stooge of Exxon. Continue Reading...