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New issue of the Journal of Markets & Morality (Vol. 22, No. 2)

The newest issue of the Journal of Markets & Morality is now live on our website here and in the mail to subscribers. This issue includes an excellent lineup of scholarly articles ranging from Christian education, to private property in the early Church, to sixteenth-century political philosophy, to environmentalism, to the crisis of the public square. Continue Reading...

Is Latin America prepared for coronavirus?

This morning Alejandro Chafuen, Acton’s managing director, international, wrote in Forbes about Latin American countries’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus there hasn’t reached the levels we see in China or Europe or even the U.S., Continue Reading...

This Alabama church is offering COVID-19 tests

Given the dramatic disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, many are reflecting on ways to better love and serve our neighbors during times of crisis. While disciplined social distancing is the obvious first step, we also see a number of ground-up efforts to mobilize congregations and institutions to support the evolving needs of individuals and communities. Continue Reading...

Spain learned the wrong lessons from the ‘yellow vests’

With COVID-19 ushering in a new era of social distancing, the idea of a mass demonstration seems as quaint as a delivery from the milkman. However, as recently as last month the memory of France’s gilet jaunes—the yellow-vested protesters who blocked French intersections over proposed fuel taxes—inspired Spanish farmers to block streets and wring ill-conceived concessions from the government. Continue Reading...