Speaking of Milton Friedman…

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Vatican going green

Or so reports Catholic News Service today. In and of itself, the item is not that big a deal: The Vatican will be installing solar panels atop the Pius VI Hall, where the pope holds his general audiences. Continue Reading...

Concourse of hypocrisy

You just can’t make this stuff up. Here’s my favorite photo, for reasons our friends at Zombietime completely missed but I’m sure Jordan (our resident anti-misanthropist) will appreciate: If it’s hard to see what the little blue sticker to the left says, here’s a better view: In other words, stop killing our children for oil, but make sure we can kill them for convenience. Continue Reading...

Is there a Bush doctrine on CO2?

Glenn Reynolds links: U.S. carbon dioxide emissions dropped slightly last year even as the economy grew, according to an initial estimate released yesterday by the Energy Information Administration. As Randy would say, “Yo Dog, check it out…” One data point does not a trend make, but it’s obviously possible to comfortably grow the economy and domestic output without increasing CO2. Continue Reading...

Called for service

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another humbly in love” (Galatians 5:13 TNIV). Continue Reading...

Cutting budgets and taxes

Both of our major political parties have missed what seems so obvious. One says that we need more tax cuts to strengthen the economy. This is correct. The problem is that they are not willing to also make serious budget cuts. Continue Reading...

Austrians at Acton University 2006

A contingent from Austria that attended last year’s Acton University produced a video on their experiences: Want to learn more? Register for next month’s Acton University 2007 (June 12-15, 2007) today. Continue Reading...

Sponsor a child’s education

There are details about how you can sponsor a child to receive an education at the new Christian Primary School in Kabala, Sierra Leone at the project’s blog. The school is an effort pursued by Fraser Valley Christian High School in Surrey, British Columbia, in conjunction with Christian Extension Services in Sierra Leone. Continue Reading...