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COVID-19 could inspire an ‘age of dispersion’ from megacities

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the constraints of “social distancing” have inspired new waves of innovation across spheres and sectors. “Life will never be the same” has become a common refrain—an ominous nod to the steady “Zoomification” of everyday life and its looming influence on the future of work, school, church, the family and beyond. Continue Reading...
urban density

Bernie Sanders drops out, but socialism marches on

Senator Bernie Sanders suspended his presidential campaign on Wednesday. Sanders faced insurmountable problems in the Democratic primaries, but his socialism was not one of them. Arguably, the substance of his campaign, with his enthusiastic speaking style, was his greatest selling point. Continue Reading...

How to keep your bearings in a crisis

As the COVID-19 epidemic continues to sweep the world, people are experiencing rapid changes in all spheres of their lives. Change is the common thread of my writing on this epidemic: changes people made to protect others, changes we are called to make to grow in wisdom, and changes we are called to make to our knowledge and skills in order to meet new economic challenges and serve our neighbors’ needs. Continue Reading...

Thomas Aquinas versus Adrian Vermeule

The relationship between law, morality, and liberty is one of those topics that invariably generates fierce debate. And it usually plays out in very predictable ways. On the one hand, there are some whose first instinct is to lurch for a comprehensive legal response to any number of moral evils to which legal coercion may not be the most optimal or even just response: “There ought to be a law against that!” Continue Reading...