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What to do about China?

Crises are not only opportunities which should, to paraphrase Rahm Emmanuel, never be allowed go to waste. They also serve as clarifying moments. Unexpected events can shatter even the strongest consensus on a given topic. Continue Reading...

Marx vs. the universal basic income

While a universal basic income has been advocated by everyone from Bernie Sanders to Charles Murray and Pope Francis, the name most associated with wealth redistribution is Marx. However, in a little-known writing Marx specifically opposed the UBI, calling it inefficient and counterproductive. Continue Reading...
twenty dollar bills

Cooperation, not coercion, will defeat COVID-19

As the COVID-19 crisis rolls on, many of America’s governors have continued to impose, extend, or add new restrictions to stay-at-home orders. This has led to increasingly arbitrary rule-making and growing criticism over the prudence and practicality of such measures. Continue Reading...

Lord Acton, Sohrab Ahmari, and the fragility of faith

People have been making some drastic changes to their lives to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Some have taken this challenge as an opportunity to grow in wisdom. Others have been called to learn new skills, and still others are doing whatever they can to keep their bearings in a time of crisis. Continue Reading...