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Justice needs a face

In the wake of George Floyd’s tragic death and the subsequent swell of protests, we are surrounded by resounding cries for justice—both in this particular case and across the issues of over-policing, over-criminalization, and systemic racism. Continue Reading...

Archbishop: Orthodox Christians can’t riot for ‘equality’

Orthodox Christians cannot participate in riots, revolutionary movements, or violent protests in the name of “justice,” according to a statement from an archbishop. Instead, they should promote “civil evolution” through a commitment to personal virtue—financed by private philanthropy and church charity for the poor. Continue Reading...

6 ways looting hurts the poor

As riots broke out nationwide over the death of George Floyd, his family valiantly tried to reason with the mob. Once again, the authorities should have listened to Floyd’s pleas. “If his own family and blood are trying to deal with it and be positive about it, and go another route to seek justice, then why are you out here tearing up your community?” Continue Reading...

The antidote to riots: Responsibility

George Floyd was laid to rest in a private burial ceremony earlier this week in Houston, following a massive funeral at the Fountain of Praise Church. The soul-searching that followed his tragic death has made the nation restless. Continue Reading...

Understanding Pinochet

Writing a biography of someone like General Augusto Pinochet is fraught with potential pitfalls. Does it become an exercise in whitewashing someone whose regime oversaw a brutal repression which included the “disappearing” of approximately 2,228 people? Continue Reading...

Riots and the broken window fallacy

The cost of the nine days of rioting following George Floyd’s death has already exceeded $100 million. Yet some economists believe that damage actually benefits our country. In the epicenter of the riots, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey has appealed to the federal and state governments to foot the bill for the destruction, which stands at a preliminary estimate of $55 million. Continue Reading...

‘Little England’ comes to Hong Kong’s rescue

As U.S. cities seek to rebuild from chaos, Hong Kong continues to resist the imposition of order—a draconian order emanating from Beijing that will crush freedom of thought and expression. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has intervened with an historic proposal: He would allow nearly half the citizens of Hong Kong to immigrate to the UK. Continue Reading...