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Little Sisters, big victories

Religious liberty won two significant victories at the U.S. Supreme Court on July 8. Justices ruled in two separate, 7-2 decisions that the federal government may not interfere in religious institutions’ hiring and firing of ministers, and that the government has the right to grant the Little Sisters of the Poor a religious exemption from a federal Obamacare mandate requiring employers to furnish female employees with no-cost birth control, sterilization, and potentially abortifacient drugs. Continue Reading...

Loneliness: The incalculable cost of COVID-19

The recent Fourth of July holiday invited Americans to contemplate the principles upon which this nation was founded – and the battles fought to uphold those principles. Perhaps more than any other time of the year, we reflect on the heroism and sacrifice of our soldiers. Continue Reading...

Evolving between two worlds

In the latest issue of The New Yorker Larissa MacFarquhar has a deeply researched and beautifully written story, “How Prosperity Transformed the Falklands.” It chronicles the history of the Falkland Islands from the early settlement of the then-uninhabited islands to the Falklands War between Argentina and the United Kingdom in 1982, as well as the economic transformation after that conflict. Continue Reading...

Michael Matheson Miller to Patrick Deneen: Strong towns need strong economies

Among the most influential critics of the free market on the Right is Patrick Deneen, a political science professor at the University of Notre Dame. Acton Institute Senior Research Fellow Michael Matheson Miller has published a response in Law & Liberty to Deneen’s recent plea for a national policy to favor small communities (“Thinking Big to Act Small” in the American Compass). Continue Reading...