Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'wokeness'

Cognitive Dissonance at the New York Times

Any rational person will readily agree that life in America has become slightly insane. This was true especially of COVID time and its consequences, be they medical, political, or existential. But even before that, much of America had endured the tyranny of “political correctness”—a term that has gone out of fashion, replaced by “woke” or “wokeism.” Continue Reading...

Inside the Fight to Bring Transparency to Woke Corporations

The fight against corporate “wokeness” is mobilizing customers and grabbing headlines across the country. From Bud Light losing its status as America’s top beer after sparking conservative ire, to Pride Month boycotts of Target costing the company billions, it’s becoming increasingly clear that right-leaning Americans are taking renewed interest in the political alignment of the country’s biggest companies. Continue Reading...

Michael Bay’s Ambulance is DOA

Film critics recently have been trying to encourage their audiences to return to theaters—cinema, after all, is a lot more impressive on a big screen and in the company of people who share our emotions. Continue Reading...

The University of Austin is scaring all the right people

Conservatives tend to be skeptical of the uses of the word diversity, but they love variety. They believe that American higher education is better when you have a rich choice among schools—uniformity being a feature of progressive ideologies—that each has a particular mission and identity. Continue Reading...
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