Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'wealth'

Labor and the limits of work

There has been some good discussion over the past week and Labor Day holiday about the nature of work and its role in our lives (particularly here). The first thing I’d like to point out about Lester DeKoster’s claims regarding work is that he has in mind, at least partially, the classical Greek philosophical distinction between the active and contemplative life, particularly its disdain of manual labor. Continue Reading...

Toward Sustainable Wealth and Profit

Today’s NYT has an op-ed by David Brooks that’s been getting good cyber-circulation, “The Gospel of Wealth.” Brooks highlights in particular Southern Baptist pastor David Platt, who is touted as the youngest mega-church leader in the country. Continue Reading...

Haiti: Two Days Later

The Big Picture blog has some remarkable images from the last 48 hours in Haiti (warning: there are disturbing images among the collections). In the wake of the disaster, many are looking back at Haiti’s history to see what has kept this nation in generations of economic despair. Continue Reading...

Wealth and Fidelity, Golf and Marriage

Amidst all the craziness of l’affaire d’Tigre there are some important questions being raised about the linkage between power, wealth, and faithfulness. The Wealth Report at The Wall Street Journal asks, “Is it harder to stay faithful with large wealth?” Continue Reading...

Review: Money, Greed, and God

The belief that the essence of capitalism is greed is perhaps the biggest myth Jay W. Richards tackles in his new book, Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism is the Solution and not the Problem. Continue Reading...

PBR: Glory and Money

Sports are still able to foster human virtues, especially classical virtues like courage and fortitude. Like any good thing, sport all too often risks becoming an idol, not because of any fault within the institution itself so much as the fault lying within each human participant. Continue Reading...