A Brief Theology of Trees

In conjunction with Arbor Day — a day dedicated annually to public tree-planting in the U.S. and other countries — Ashley Evaro offers a brief theological reflection on the role of trees in the story of our salvation: Christians should care about National Arbor Day (to those who don’t know, that is today). Continue Reading...

Trees, Evil, and Negative Externalities

It is a commonplace in discussions of environmental economics to consider so-called “negative externalities,” a technical term for the bad or damaging consequences of an activity that affects those outside the realm of economic decision-making. Continue Reading...

Beyond bumper sticker environmentalism

In an Earth Day column last week that was skeptical about the gospel of global warming consensus, Glenn Shaw, a professor of physics at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, expressed hoped that the climate change debate might spark a more comprehensive conversation about humankind’s complex environmental responsibilities. Continue Reading...
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