Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Think tank'

How are free-market think tanks doing on social media?

Alejandro Chafuen, Acton’s Managing Director, International, posted his annual analysis of think tanks’ use of social media last week in Forbes. He wrote: Due to the coronavirus pandemic think tanks around the world are working under quarantine and have cancelled all events in the coming months. Continue Reading...

Acton Institute Ranked as a Top US Think Tank

The Think Thanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania has just published their seventh “Global Go To Think Tank Index.” This report takes almost a full year to compile and  looks at almost 7,000 think tanks worldwide and ranks them in 47 categories. Continue Reading...

Will Think Tanks Replace Universities?

Alejandro Chafuen, board member of the Acton Institute and a contributor to, has recently written an op/ed asking, “Will think tanks become the universities of the 21st century?” He says that “think tanks and the academy in all likelihood, were united at birth.” Continue Reading...

A High-Tech Base for Acton’s Free Market Mission

The Acton Institute, founded 23 years ago, is ready to move into its new home in the heart of Grand Rapids, MI. Not only will Acton have more room for events, visiting scholars, and conferences, the new building boasts the best in technological innovations, while seeking SERF (Society of Environmentally Responsible Facilities) certification for its re-use and recycling of the original historic building at 98 E. Continue Reading...
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